Fortinet 5.0 Patch 6 Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Fortinet 169 FortiWeb 5.0 Patch 6 Administration Guide
Level 1 Password — A string of at least 6 characters, with one or more
each of lower-case characters, upper-case characters, and digits, such as
aBc123. Level 1 passwords are “weak” passwords, generally easier to
crack than level 2 passwords.
Level 2 Password — A string of at least 8 characters, with one or more
each of lower-case characters, upper-case characters, digits, and special
characters, such as aBc123$%. Level 2 passwords are moderately strong.
Markup/Code — HTML comments, wiki code, hexadecimal HTML color
codes, quoted strings in VBScript and ANSI SQL, SQL statements, and
RTF bookmarks such as:
• #00ccff, <!--A comment.-->
• [link url=""]
• {\*\bkmkstart TagAmountText}
Does not match ANSI escape codes. They are detected as strings.
Microsoft Product Key — An alphanumeric key for activation of Microsoft
software, such as ABC12-34DEF-GH567-IJK89-LM0NP. Does not match
keys which are non-hyphenated, nor where letters are not capitalized.
Netherlands Postal Code — Netherlands postal codes (“postcodes”) such
as 3000 AA or 3000AA. Does not match postal codes written in lower-case
letters, such as 3000aa.
NINO — A United Kingdom National Insurance Number (NINO), such as
AB123456D. Does not match NINOs written in lower-case letters, such as
Numbers — Numbers in various monetary, scientific, decimal,
comma-separated value (CSV), and other formats such as 123, +1.23,
$1,234,567.89, 1'235.140, and -123.45e-6. Does not detect some types,
such as hexadecimal numbers (which are instead detected as strings or
code), and US Social Security Numbers (which are instead detected as
Personal Name — A person’s full or abbreviated name in English. It can
contain punctuation, such as A.J Schwartz, Jean-Pierre Ferko, or Jane
O’Donnell. Does not match names written in other languages, such as
Renée Wächter or .
Phone — Australian, United States, and Indian telephone numbers in
various formats such as (123)456-7890, 1.123.456.7890, 0732105432, and
StringsAny string of characters, including all other data types, such as
alphanumeric words, credit card numbers, United States social security
numbers (SSN), UK vehicle registration numbers, ANSI escape codes, and
hexadecimal numbers in formats such as user1, 123-45-6789, ABC 123 A,
4125632152365, [32mHello, and 8ECCA04F.
Setting name Description