BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Setting up the Server Environment (Unix Host) 3-13
When setting this value, consider the available resources and their usage.
You probably should increase the value if your server performs
satisfactorily while running more than two jobs simultaneously. You
should use a lower value if your server has limited resources or you want
to guarantee that resource usage stays low.
If the number of jobs in the job queue exceeds the value that you specify
for BMC_JOBLOAD, the submitted jobs may go into a wait state. The
waiting jobs are run in the order that they were submitted. A new job
starts when the number of active jobs is less than the value specified for
To change this value, export BMC_JOBLOAD and restart the servers.
export BMC_JOBLOAD=5
Setting the BMC_STORE Environment Variable
The BMC_STORE environment variable allows you to specify a location
for the change logs that are produced from baseline comparisons. If no
value is specified, the change logs are copied to the location that is
pointed to by the BMC_LOCAL environment variable (
jobs directory).
For information on running a server-side comparison, see the PATROL
Database Administration User Guide.
export BMC_STORE=/usr/bmc/PDBAdmin/sol/3.0/chglogs
Setting the BMC_TRACE Environment Variable
The BMC_TRACE environment variable allows you to specify the types
of messages you want to log during debugging. By default, if the server
is started with the
-D option, server messages are stored in
$BMC_LOCAL/BMCserverlog and scheduler messages are stored in
$BMC_LOCAL/BMCschedlog. If this environment variable is not set, no
debugging occurs.