BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Installing Clients 7-17
Step 1 Start the Database Administration products’ Workstation installation
program by double-clicking
The Setup program for the Installation starts.
For International versions of this product, the Choose Setup Language
dialog appears. Select the language for this installation from the
drop-down list, and click OK to continue.
The Welcome page of the Setup program appears.
Step 2 Read the Welcome page, and click Next to continue.
Use the Next and Back buttons to navigate through the Setup program. To
go back and undo a selection, click Back. To continue, click Next.
Step 3 On the User Information dialog box, enter your name and company
name, then click
Step 4 On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, review the installation
destination location. If you prefer a different location, click
Browse and
select an appropriate location. To accept the default location, click
If you are installing PATROL DB-Alter for DB2* for OS/390 or PATROL
DB-Change Manager
for DB2* for OS/390 products, skip to Step 7. The
licensing dialog boxes described in Steps 7 and 8 appear for all other
Step 5 When you are prompted to enter licensing information, click Ye s to enter
permanent product licensing information or click
No to set up a trial
license agreement. If you choose No, skip to Step 6. If you choose Yes,
the program prompts you to enter licensing information for each product
that you install.