BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Database Administration Installation Guide
Step 7 Ensure that you have permissions to load the software onto the Unix
server, as follows:
7.A Log on with the user ID you choose in Step 1.
7.B Move to the location where you are going to install the software:
cd location
If you want to install a new version of the server and keep a previous
version as well, create a new directory.
7.C Type mkdir jobs to create a default location for storing the
PATROL Database Administration jobs. This command also
ensures that you have the proper permissions to install the
software. If you receive a message indicating that you do not
have permissions, find a new location to install the software.
The jobs directory cannot be the same directory name that you specify
for the executables. This restriction protects the installation directory and
files. See “Setting PATROL DB-Admin Environment Variables” on page
3-7 for details.
Table 2-1 Determining Previous Product Installation (Unix Host)
Command Product Action Required
You must install the PATROL Database
Administration server with the user ID who
installed PATROL Recovery Manager.
cat /etc/patrol PATROL
Find the location of PATROL
($PATROL_HOME). You will need this
location to install the PATROL DB-Admin
KM product.