⎯ 286 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
The relevant event sending condition is
not valid.
RY Change the event sending condition (signal
number) of IEC103 configurator if there is a setting
error. When the setting is correct, check the signal
condition by programmable LED, etc.
The relevant event Information Number
(INF) and/or Function Type (FUN) may
be different between the relay and SAS.
Match the relevant event Information Number
(INF) or Function Type (FUN) between the relay
and SAS.
The relay is not initialised after writing
IEC103 configurator setting.
RY Check the sum value of IEC103 setting data from
the LCD screen. When differing from the sum
value on IEC103 configurator, initialise the relay.
2 HMI does not
display IEC103
event on the SAS
It changes to the block mode. RY Change the IECBR settling to Normal.
BCU does not transmit the frame of time
BCU Transmit the frame of time synchronisation. 3 Time can be
synchronised with
The settling of time synchronisation
source is set to other than IEC.
RY Change the settling of time synchronisation
source to IEC.
(Note) BCU: Bay control unit, RY: Relay