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IEC60870-5-103 Configurator
IEC103 configurator software is included in a same CD as RSM100, and can be installed easily as
Installation of IEC103 Configurator
Insert the CD-ROM (RSM100) into a CDROM drive to install this software on a PC.
Double click the “Setup.exe” of the folder “\IEC103Conf” under the root directory, and operate it
according to the message.
When installation has been completed, the IEC103 Configurator will be registered in the start
Starting IEC103 Configurator
Click [Start]→[Programs]→[IEC103 Configurator]→[IECConf] to the IEC103 Configurator
Note: The instruction manual of IEC103 Configurator can be viewed by clicking
[Help]→[Manual] on IEC103 Configurator.
IEC60870-5-103: Interoperability
1. Physical Layer
1.1 Electrical interface: EIA RS-485
Number of loads, 32 for one protection equipment
1.2 Optical interface
Glass fibre (option)
ST type connector (option)
1.3 Transmission speed
User setting: 9600 or 19200 bit/s
2. Application Layer
One COMMON ADDRESS OF ASDU (identical with station address)
3. List of Information
The following items can be customized with the original software tool “IEC103 configurator”.
(For details, refer to “IEC103 configurator” manual No.6F2S0812.)
- Items for “Time-tagged message”: Type ID(1/2), INF, FUN, Transmission condition(Signal
number), COT
- Items for “Time-tagged measurands”: INF, FUN, Transmission condition(Signal number),
COT, Type of measurand quantities
- Items for “General command”: INF, FUN, Control condition(Signal number)
- Items for “Measurands”: Type ID(3/9), INF, FUN, Number of measurand, Type of
measurand quantities
- Common setting
• Transmission cycle of Measurand frame