⎯ 255 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
Restricted earth fault element
Minimum operating current 0.05 to 0.50pu in 0.01pu steps
Slope 1 (p1) 10 %
Slope 2 (p2) 50 to 100% in 1% steps
kp 0.50 to 2.00pu in 0.01pu steps
CT ratio correction (kct) 1.00 to 50.00 in 0.01 steps
Operating time typical 35ms
Time-overcurrent protection
High-set overcurrent element
Pick up level (OC, EF)
Delay time (TOC, TEF)
Operating time
0.10 to 20.00pu in 0.10pu steps
0.00 to 10.00s in 0.01s steps
typical 30ms (without delay time)
Inverse time overcurrent element
Pick up level (OCI, EFI)
Time multiplier (TOCI, TEFI)
0.10 to 5.00pu in 0.01pu steps
0.05 to 1.00 in 0.01 steps
Three IEC standard 60255-3 (Standard inverse, Very inverse,
Extremely inverse), or Long-time inverse
*Refer to Appendix P.
Thermal overload protection
Thermal time constant (τ) 0.5 to 500.0min in 0.1min steps
Constant (k) 0.10 to 4.00 in 0.01 steps
Basic current (IB) 0.50 t0 2.50pu in 0.01pu steps
Special load current before overload (Ip) 0.00 to 1.00pu in 0.01 steps
Time for alarming (TA) 0 to 10min in 1min steps
Frequency protection
50.00 to 55.00Hz in 0.01Hz steps (50Hz relay)
60.00 to 66.00Hz in 0.01Hz steps (60Hz relay)
45.00 to 50.00Hz in 0.01Hz steps (50Hz relay)
54.00 to 60.00Hz in 0.01Hz steps (60Hz relay)
Delay time 0.00 to 60.00s in 0.01s steps
Start time less than 100ms
Undervoltage blocking 40 to 100V in 1V steps
Overexitation protection
Pickup voltage 100.0 to 120.0V in 0.1V steps
Alarm level (A) 1.03 to 1.30pu in 0.01pu steps
High level (H) 1.10 to 1.40pu in 0.01pu steps
Low level (L) 1.05 to 1.30pu in 0.01pu steps
LT (Definite time) 1 to 600s in 1s steps
HT (Definite time) 1 to 600s in 1s steps
TVFH (Definite time) 1 to 600s in 1s steps
TVFA (Definite time) 1 to 600s in 1s steps
Start time less than 130ms
RT (Definite time) 60 to 3600s in 1s steps