⎯ 120 ⎯
6 F 2 S 0 8 5 7
4.4.3 IEC 61850 interface
The relay can also communicate with substation automation system via Ethernet communication
networks using IEC 61850 protocols.
Figure Substation Automation System using Ethernet-based IEC 61850 protocol
4.5 Clock Function
The clock function (Calendar clock) is used for time-tagging for the following purposes:
• Event records
• Disturbance records
• Fault records
• Metering
• Automatic supervision
• Display of the system quantities on the digest screen
• Display of the fault records on the digest screen
• Display of the automatic monitoring results on the digest screen
The calendar clock can run locally or be synchronized with the external IRIG-B time standard
signal, RSM or IEC clock. This can be selected by setting.
If it is necessary to synchronize with the IRIG-B time standard signal, it is possible to transform
GMT to the local time by setting.
When the relays are connected to the RSM system as shown in Figure, the calendar clock
of each relay is synchronized with the RSM clock. If the RSM clock is synchronized with the
external time standard (GPS clock etc.), then all the relay clocks are synchronized with the
external time standard.