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6. Commissioning and Maintenance
6.1 Outline of Commissioning Tests
The GRT100 is fully numerical and the hardware is continuously monitored.
Commissioning tests can be kept to a minimum and need only include hardware tests and
conjunctive tests. The function tests are at the user’s discretion.
In these tests, user interfaces on the front panel of the relay or local PC can be fully applied.
Test personnel must be familiar with general relay testing practices and safety precautions to avoid
personal injuries or equipment damage.
Hardware tests
These tests are performed for the following hardware to ensure that there is no hardware defect.
Defects of hardware circuits other than the following can be detected by monitoring which circuits
function when the DC power is supplied.
User interfaces
Binary input circuits and output circuits
AC input circuits
Function tests
These tests are performed for the following functions that are fully software-based. Tests of the
protection schemes and fault locator require a dynamic test set.
Measuring elements
Metering and recording
Conjunctive tests
The tests are performed after the relay is connected with the primary equipment and other external
The following tests are included in these tests:
On load test: phase sequence check and polarity check
Tripping circuit test