CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
Samsung Business Communications
This MMC provides a mean to configure the Internet Protocol(IP) addressing of the MGI
card(s) in the system.
No Parameter Description
0 IP ADDRESS Specifies the IP address for the MGI card.
1 GATEWAY Specifies the designated IP gateway address used for contacting
IP devices beyond the local subnet.
2 SUB MASK Specifies the IP subnet mask. This parameter is used by the system to
calculate the range of IP devices(subnet) that are within ‘direct reach’
of the MGI.(without having to go through the designated network IP
3 IP TYPE Specifies if the system will be routing data over a public or private
4 PUBLIC IP The MGI will originate communications, to IP phones and VoIP
connections outside the local network, using this IP address. If this
IP address sets, or default value then this
MGI card uses private IP only. See System IP Type on MMC 830.
5 PUB PORT Public Port
6 VERSION No entry required. Used to indicate revision of MGI3 S/W.
8 CARD RESET Reboots MGI card.
9 IP VERSION Specidies MGI IP version is IPv4 / IPv6.
- IP ADDRESS, GATEWAY, and SUB MASK—any changes to these parameters
will not be applied until the MGI card is reset.
- When changing any IP address/value, three digits must be entered for each
(octet) field. For example, should be entered as 192 168 001 010.