5. Base I/O Unit Connection
5.5 Base I/O Unit Input/Output Specifications
5.5 Base I/O Unit Input/Output Specifications
5.5.1 Rotary Switch (CS1 and CS2) Settings
Normal settings
CS1 0
CS2 1
The base I/O unit No. of occupied stations is two (when an add-on PCB is not used).
(Note) Also refer to "7.14 Setting of Channel No. When Using Multiple Remote I/O Units" for rotary
switch (CS1 and CS2) settings of the base I/O unit.
Relation between rotary switches and DI/DO connectors
CS1 DI: CF31, DO: CF33
CS2 DI: CF32, DO: CF34
Relation between rotary switches and device assignments
Device assignment
No. of I/O
points (max)
0 0 X00~X1F Y00~Y1F 32 points
1 1 X20~X3F Y20~Y3F 32 points
2 2 X40~X5F Y40~Y5F 32 points
3 3 X60~X7F Y60~Y7F 32 points
4 4 X80~X9F Y80~Y9F 32 points
5 5 XA0~XBF YA0~YBF 32 points
6 6 XC0~XDF YC0~YDF 32 points
7 7 XE0~XFF YE0~YFF 32 points
8~F Cannot be used
Station No. settings of add-on PCBs
When using an add-on PCB, set the station No. using the rotary switch on the add-on PCB. This
rotary switch corresponds to connectors CR21 and CR22 of the add-on PCB.
The setting values, station Nos. and device assignments are as shown in the table above.
(Note) Refer to "5.1 Base I/O Unit Outline" for types of add-on PCBs.
One station is occupied when using RX331 (manual pulse generator) and RX341 (analog
input/output) also.
5.5.2 RIO1 Terminator
Connect a terminator to the final end of the remote I/O unit connected to the RIO1.
When not using any remote I/O unit, connect a terminator to the base I/O unit RIO1.
Terminator type: R-TM
Recommended manufacturer: Tyco Electronics AMP
D- 3