Chapter 5 333
Language Reference
TRACe Subsystem
Trace Math Subtract From Display Line
:TRACe:MATH:SUBTract:DLINe <trace>
Subtracts the magnitude of the display line from the selected trace and places the
result back in the selected trace.
Trace is: TRACE1|2|3
is equivalent to: (trace1 = trace 1 − display line)
Front Panel
View/Trace, Operations, 2 – DL –> 2
Select Trace Display Mode
Selects the display mode for the selected trace.
Write puts the trace in the normal mode, updating the data.
Maximum hold displays the highest measured trace value for all the data that
has been measured since the function was turned on.
Minimum hold displays the lowest measured trace value for all the data that has
been measured since the function was turned on.
View turns on the trace data so that it can be viewed on the display.
Blank turns off the trace data so that it is not viewed on the display.
Remarks: Whenever the number of sweep points change, the following
functions are affected:
• All trace data is erased
• Any traces in view mode will go to blank mode
Front Panel
View/Trace, Clear Write
View/Trace, Max Hold
View/Trace, Min Hold
View/Trace, View
View/Trace, Blank
View/Trace, Normalize, Ref Trace View Blank