Chapter 5 209
Language Reference
CALCulate:LLINe Subsection
CALCulate:LLINe Subsection
Limit lines can be defined for your measurement. You can then have the instrument
compare the data to your defined limits and indicate a pass/fail condition.
NOTE Refer also to :MMEMory and :TRACe subsystems for more trace and limit line
Delete All Correction Sets in Memory
Deletes all correction sets in volatile memory.
History: Added with firmware revision A.08.00.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Delete All Limits
Control Limit Line Amplitude Interpolation
Selects the type of interpolation done for the amplitude values of the designated
limit line when comparing to measured data.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: Once this function is defined, the selected type is persistent.
Persistent means that it retains the setting previously selected,
even through a power cycle.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limit 1|2, Amptd Interp Log Lin
Set Fixed or Relative Limit Lines
:CALCulate:LLINe:CMODe FIXed|RELative
Specifies whether the current limit lines are fixed or relative.
NOTE If you need to change the domain with
:CALCulate:LLINe:CONTrol:DOMain, do it before this command.
Changing the domain deletes all the existing limit line values.