Chapter 5 233
Language Reference
COUPle Subsystem
COUPle Subsystem
Some measurement settings are automatically coupled together to optimize speed
and accuracy. These commands control that coupling.
COUPle the Function to Other Settings
The instrument can automatically couple instrument settings together for accurate
measurements and optimum dynamic range. This command is used to override the
coupling for special measurement needs.
COUPle NONE puts these functions into the manually set (not coupled) mode.
COUPle ALL puts the functions into the auto coupled mode, and also puts the
sweep coupling mode into SA (couple all).
The following list of analyzer functions can be automatically coupled:
Resolution bandwidth
Center Frequency
Average type (Firmware revision A.08.00 or greater)
Marker functions
Detector (Firmware revision A.08.00 or greater)
Marker functions
Average On Off
Average type
Reference level
External amplifier gain
Center frequency step
Span (in swept spans)
Resolution bandwidth (in zero spans)
Video bandwidth
Resolution bandwidth
Tracking Generator
Sweep coupling mode (SR/SA)
VBW/RBW ratio (Firmware revision A.08.00 or greater)
Sweep time
Video bandwidth
Resolution bandwidth