Chapter 5 191
Language Reference
SCPI Sections and Subsections
SCPI Sections and Subsections
SCPI commands related to major functional areas (such as calculate or) are
grouped into blocks, or subsystems. Some of these subsystems are further divided
into subsections (such as calculate/marker, or sense/harmonics). An instrument
model is then created to represent the way in which instrument functionality is
viewed and categorized by SCPI. Refer to IEEE SCPI-1997 Volume 2: Command
Reference, Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments, Version 1997.0,
May, 1997 for a more complete description of the SCPI instrument model.
The SCPI subsystems in this chapter are listed in alphabetical order. Likewise, the
SCPI commands are in alphabetical order within the subsystem in which they
belong. Refer to the following table to locate SCPI command subsystems and
subsections by page number.
SCPI Subsystem/Subsection Page
IEEE Common Commands page 193
:ABORt page 198
:CALCulate page 199
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt page 201
:CALCulate:LLINe page 209
:CALCulate:MARKer page 216
:CALCulate:NTData page 228
:CALibration page 229
:CONFigure (see :MEAS) page 254
:COUPle page 233
:DISPlay page 235
:FETCh (see :MEASure) page 254
:FORMat page 243
:HCOPy page 245
:INITiate page 249
:INPut page 252
:MEASure page 254
:MMEMory page 260
:OUTPut page 267