206 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt Subsection
Turn Signal List On or Off
Sets the state of the signal list, On or Off.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: Once the state function is selected, the selected state is
persistent. Persistent means that it retains the setting previously
selected, even through a power cycle.
Front Panel
MEASURE, More, Signal List
MEASURE, More, Signal List, List Edit
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Delete Signals
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Remeasure
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Signal Marking
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Sort Signals
Retrieve Signal as a String
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:FETCh? CURRent|<integer>
Retrieve the current or specific signal as a string (comma separated fields).
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: This command takes an <integer> value which corresponds to
the position of a signal in the signal list. Valid range is 1 to 2000.
Retrieve Signals in List
Retrieve the number of signals in the signal list.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Mark Selected Signals
ALL|CURRent|TOEnd|DUPLicate|LOWer|COMPlement <integer>
Marks signals based on the current parameter. Default is current.
ALL - all signals