
Chapter 5 285
Language Reference
[:SENSe]:DETector Subsection
Det/Demod, Detector, Negative Peak
, Detector, Average
Type of EMI Detector
[:SENSe]:DETector[:FUNCtion]: EMI QPEak|AVERage|OFF
Specifies the type of EMI detection mode. Quasi-peak detection displays a
weighted, sample-detected amplitude using specific, charge, discharge, and meter
time constants as described in CISPR Publication 16. Average detection displays
the average value of a sample-detected amplitude.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Remarks: When either of the EMI detectors are selected for the first time,
a ranging operation is performed which adjusts the reference
level to a reasonable level for performing measurements.
The ranging operation will first adjust the reference level in
LOGarithmic scale units and then in LINear scale units. While
doing so, EMIPk will be displayed in the upper-left corner of
the display.
Once the reference level has been properly adjusted, the selected
EMI detector will be activated. Depending on the detector
chosen, EMI QP or EMIAv will be displayed in the
upper-left display corner.
When setting the EMI detector to Off, the analyzer performs an
UNRange and will display the various instrument settings
adjusted by the range operation. The previous detector is also
When the QPeak or AVERage EMI detectors are selected, the
detector setting is locked in SAMPle mode and the user is not
allowed to adjust this value until the EMI detector is set to Off.
Key Access:
Det/Demod, EMI Detector, Quasi Peak
Det/Demod, EMI Detector, EMI Average
Det/Demod, EMI Detector, Off