
Chapter 5 271
Language Reference
[:SENSe]:AVERage Subsection
Factory Preset
and *RST: On
History: Added with firmware revision A.08.00.
Front Panel
BW/Avg, Avg Type, Auto Man
Type of Averaging for Measurements
Successive measurements of data can be combined to average out measurement
variations. Detector is set to average and Avg type is set to power (RMS) to
measure RMS voltage (avg power).
NOTE As a best practice, set amplitude scale (:DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:SPAC) prior to
average type.
VIDeo logarithmically averages the power of the video data (typical units are
dBm). This command is equivalent to pressing front panel keys
BW/Avg, Avg
Type, Video.
RMS averages the linear power of successive measurements (typical units are
The following parameters of this command are supported, but not recommended
for new designs. They are provided for limited compatibility to other analyzers.
When used, the parameters are converted as follows:
TYPE LINear maps to RMS.
TYPE LPOWer maps to VIDeo.
TYPE POWer maps to RMS.
TYPE SCALar and VOLTage will map to VIDeo. If the amplitude scale is LOG, the
setting is allowed, but an error is generated.
TYPE LOG maps to VIDeo. If the amplitude scale is not LOG (linear or Y Axis Units
= Hz), the setting is allowed, but an error is generated.
For compatibility with firmware revisions prior to A.08.00, query
[:SENSe]:AVERage:TYPE? will return LPOW or POW if LPOW or POW is used
during the setting and no further changes have occurred to set the average type (such as
from the front panel).
Factory Preset
and *RST: VID
History: Changed with firmware revision A.08.00.
Front Panel
BW/Avg, Avg Type