208 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt Subsection
Specify Signal List Display Parameters
Specifies the signal display parameters given by the following:
COMM - Displays the comment for each of the signals in the list.
PEAK - Displays the difference values, in dB, from the measured peak value
and the limit lines.
QPEak - Displays the difference values, in dB, from the measured quasi-peak
value and the limit lines.
AVERage - Displays the difference values, in dB, from the measured average
value and the limit lines.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Front Panel
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Edit List, Comment
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Edit List, Pk Ampl
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Edit List, QP Ampl
MEASURE, More, Signal List, Edit List, AV Ampl