298 Chapter 5
Language Reference
[:SENSe]:SWEep Subsection
[:SENSe]:SWEep Subsection
Sweep Points
[:SENSe]:SWEep:POINts <number of points>
This command sets the number of sweep points.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 401
Example: :SWEep:POIN 401
History: This command is available only on analyzers with firmware
revision A.04.00 and later. Analyzers with firmware revisions
prior to A.04.00 have the number of sweep points fixed at 401.
Range: 101 to 8192, (2 to 8192 in zero span for analyzers with firmware
revision A.05.00 and later)
Remarks: For analyzers with firmware revisions prior to A.08.00, any
change to sweep points sets the following commands as shown:
:CALCulate:LLINe1:DISPlay to off, and
:CALCulate:LLINe2:DISPlay to off.
Whenever the number of sweep points change, the following
functions are affected:
• All trace data is erased
• Any traces in view mode will go to blank mode
• Sweep time is re-calculated
• Any limit lines that are on will be turned off (For analyzers
with firmware revisions prior to A.08.00)
Front Panel
Sweep, Points
Set Frequency Domain Scale Type
[:SENSe]:SWEep:SPACing LINear|LOGarithmic
Selects either linear or logarithmic for the frequency domain (X-axis) scale. The
trace query of comma-separated values maps frequency/amplitude pairs for the
mathematical interpolation of the log frequency axis. The value of
[:SENSe]:SWEep:POINts is adjusted to reflect the acquisition of data for the
given sweep span when log sweep spacing is enabled.