200 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate Subsystem
:CALCulate:BWIDth|BANDwidth[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Controls the bandwidth measurement function. The function measures the
bandwidth, at the number of dB down specified in :CALCulate:BWIDth:NDB,
of the maximum signal on the display.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Remarks: When this command is turned on, the bandwidth measurement
function (N dB Points) is associated with the active marker. If
no marker is active at the time this command is turned on,
marker 1 becomes the active marker, and a peak search is
performed. No restrictions exist for moving the bandwidth
measurement function markers to any other signal on the
display. However, when this function is turned on, all other
concurrent marker functions are suspended.
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), N dB Points On Off
Calculate Correction at Frequency
:CALCulate:CORRection:ATFREquency? <freq>
Calculates the total correction factor for a specified frequency point.
Example: :CALC:CORR:ATFRE? 1.5E8
Remarks: Refer to [:SENSe]:CORRection:CSET[1]|2|3|4:DATA
<freq>, <rel_ampl> {,<freq>, <rel_ampl} for an
explanation of correction factors.
Test Current Trace Data Against all Limit Lines
Queries the status of the limit line testing. Returns a 0 if the trace data passes when
compared with all the current limit lines. Returns a 1 if the trace data fails any limit
line test.