Chapter 5 219
Language Reference
CALCulate:MARKer Subsection
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), Next Peak
Marker Peak (Maximum) Right Search
Places the selected marker on the next highest signal peak to the right of the
current marked peak.
Remarks: The marker will be placed at the highest peak that rises and falls
by at least the peak excursion above the peak threshold. If no
peak meets the excursion and threshold criteria, a No Peak
Found error (202) is given.
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), Next Pk Right
Marker Peak (Minimum) Search
Places the selected marker on the lowest point on the trace that is assigned to that
particular marker number.
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), Min Search
Marker Mode
:CALCulate:MARKer[1]|2|3|4:MODE POSition|DELTa|BAND|SPAN
Selects the type of markers that you want to activate. Refer to the “Agilent EMC
Analyzers User’s Guide” for a more complete explanation of this function.
Position selects a normal marker that can be positioned on a trace and from
which trace information will be generated.
Delta activates a pair of markers, one of which is fixed at the current marker
location. The other marker can then be moved around on the trace. The marker
readout shows the difference between the two markers.
Band activates a pair of band markers, where each marker can be independently
positioned on the trace. The marker readout shows the difference between the
two markers.
Span activates a pair of span markers, where the marker positioning is
controlled by changing the span and/or center frequency between the two
markers. The marker readout shows the difference between the two markers.
Remarks: If a marker is not active when the mode is queried, “Off” will be