238 Chapter 5
Language Reference
DISPlay Subsystem
Display Line Amplitude
:DISPlay:WINDow:TRACe:Y:DLINe <ampl>
Defines the level of the display line, in the active amplitude units if no units are
Factory Preset
and *RST: 2.5 divisions below the reference level
Range: 10 display divisions below the reference level to the reference
Default Unit: Current active units
Front Panel
Display, Display Line On Off
Display Line On/Off
Turns the display line on or off.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
Display, Display Line On Off
IF Gain Auto/Reference Level Auto Ranging
This command enables and disables auto ranging. The speed benefits gained with
this command are realized only when in narrow resolution (digital) bandwidths.
The setting of auto range has no effect when in analog resolution bandwidths.
Factory Preset
and *RST: On
History: This command is available with firmware revision A.04.00 and
Remarks: When using digital resolution bandwidths (RBW < 1 kHz) the
analyzer uses IF Gain auto ranging to set the optimum signal
gain for digital processing. This technique produces the greatest
measurement range without overloading the digital system. To
increase the measurement speed this IF Gain auto ranging may
be set to fixed mode. When in fixed mode, make sure the signal