
262 Chapter 5
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
Load an Instrument State from a File
:MMEMory:LOAD:STATe 1,<file_name>
The contents of the state file are loaded into the current instrument state.
Example: :MMEM:LOAD:STAT 1,C:mystate.sta
Remarks: See also commands :MMEMory:LOAD:STATe and
If the revision of the state being loaded is newer than the
revision of the instrument, no state is recalled and an error is
If the revision of the state being loaded is equal to the revision of
the instrument, all regions of the state will be loaded.
If the revision of the state being loaded is older than the revision
of the instrument, the instrument will only load the older regions
of the state.
Front Panel
File, Load, Type, State
Load a Trace From a File to the Instrument
:MMEMory:LOAD:TRACe <file_name>
The contents of the file are loaded into TRACE1. The file name must have a file
extension of :trc or :csv. The file extension determines whether a trace is loaded,
or a trace with its state, are loaded. The :csv extension is for trace files using the
CSV (comma-separated values) format. The :trc extension is for files that include
both trace and state data.
Example: :MMEM:LOAD:TRAC C:mytrace.trc
Remarks: See also commands :MMEMory:LOAD:STATe and
If the revision of the state being loaded is newer than the
revision of the instrument, no state is recalled and an error is
If the revision of the state being loaded is equal to the revision of
the instrument, all regions of the state will be loaded.
If the revision of the state being loaded is older than the revision
of the instrument, the instrument will only load the older regions
of the state.