330 Chapter 5
Language Reference
TRACe Subsystem
Example: :TRAC:MATH:ADD TRACE2,TRACE1,TRACE3 is equivalent
to : (trace 2 = trace 1 + trace 3)
Mean Trace Data
:TRACe:MATH:MEAN? <trace>
Returns the mean of the amplitudes of the trace amplitude elements in
measurement units.
Traces are: TRACE1|2|3
Query the Signal Peaks
Outputs the signal peaks by frequency or by amplitude. This command uses only
trace1 data.
The sort mode is determined by the command :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:SORT. The
commands :CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:EXCursion and
:CALCulate:MARKer:PEAK:THReshold are used to determine what is a signal
peak. To get the number of signals found meeting the specified limits, use the
Query Number of Peaks Found
Outputs the number of signal peaks identified. The amplitude of the peaks can then
be queried with :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:DATA? This command uses only trace1
Peak Sorting
Determines if the signals in the :TRACe:MATH:PEAK:DATA? query are sorted
by frequency or amplitude.
Amplitude sorts the identified peaks by descending amplitude.
Frequency sorts the identified peaks by increasing frequency.
Smooth Trace Data
:TRACe:MATH:SMOoth <trace>
Smooths the trace according to the number of points specified in
:TRACe:MATH:SMOoth:POINts. There is no equivalent front panel function.
Traces are: TRACE1|2|3, and RAWTRACE commands.