272 Chapter 5
Language Reference
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth Subsection
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth Subsection
Resolution Bandwidth
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution] <freq>
Specifies the resolution bandwidth.
Example: BAND 1 kHz
Range: 10 Hz to 5 MHz (with Option 1DR)
1 Hz to 5 MHz (E7401A, E7402A, E7403A, E7404A, E7405A
with Option 1D5)
Default Unit: Hz
Front Panel
BW/Avg, Resolution BW Auto Man
Resolution Bandwidth Automatic
[:SENSe]:BANDwidth|BWIDth[:RESolution]:AUTO OFF|ON|0|1
Couples the resolution bandwidth.
Factory Preset
and *RST: On
Example: BWID:AUTO On
History: This command function changed with firmware revision
A.08.00. With :AUTO ON in zero span, an error will be
Remarks: Auto-couple resolution bandwidth is not available in zero span.
Resolution Bandwidth Mode
Couples the resolution bandwidth to the frequency span in SAN mode, to Center
Frequency in EMI mode, or uncoupled when OFF.
Factory Preset
and *RST: EMI