210 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:LLINe Subsection
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: For Amplitude Parameters:
Regardless of whether the limit line is based on frequency or
sweep time, amplitude parameters in a limit line table represent
absolute values or relative values. In fixed, the limit line
amplitude values are specified in absolute amplitude and do not
depend on the reference level. In relative, the limit line
amplitude values are relative to the current reference level.
For Fixed Frequency Parameters:
The frequency values in a limit line table are fixed values, and
the limit line is positioned accordingly. Fixed limit lines are
specified in absolute frequency and do not depend upon the
center frequency values.
For Relative Frequency Parameters:
The frequency values in a limit line table are relative values and
positions the limit line relative to the center frequency settings.
Relative limit lines are specified in relative frequency and are
positioned with respect to the current center frequency. When
the current center frequency value is changed, the segment
frequencies are converted according to the current center
frequency value.
For Time Parameters:
Limit lines that are based on sweep time are always relative to
the start time. The horizontal position of the limit line is not
affected by this command.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limits Fixed Rel
Set Limit Line X-axis Units
:CALCulate:LLINe:CONTrol:DOMain FREQuency|TIME
Selects how the limit line segments are defined: according to frequency, or
according to the sweep time setting of the spectrum analyzer.
NOTE Changing this setting deletes all existing limit data from the analyzer. In other
words, if a limit line has already been defined, changing the type clears the existing
limit line.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by Preset