
Chapter 5 199
Language Reference
CALCulate Subsystem
CALCulate Subsystem
This subsystem is used to perform post-acquisition data processing. In effect, the
collection of new data triggers the CALCulate subsystem. In this instrument, the
primary functions in this subsystem are markers and limits.
:CALCulate:BWIDth|BANDwidth:NDB <rel_ampl>
Selects the power level, below the peak of the signal, at which the signal
bandwidth will be measured by the markers.
:CALCulate:BWIDth|BANDwidth[:STATe] must be ON.
NOTE To query the result of NdBpoints, use the command
Factory Preset
and *RST: 3 dB
Range: 80 dB to 1 dB
Default Unit: dB
Remarks: Refer to :CALCulate:BWIDth|BANDwidth[:STATe] for an
explanation of this marker function.
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), N dB Points
Returns the measured bandwidth at the power level defined by
:CALCulate:BWIDth:NDB. 100 is returned if
:CALCulate:BWIDth|BANDwidth[:STATe] is off, or when a result is not
available. Refer to CALCulate:BWIDth|BANDwidth[:STATe] for an
explanation of this marker function.
Range: Real value less than the current frequency span
Default Unit: Hz
Remarks: When segmented sweep is on, a result will not be available
when the NDB marker crosses a segment boundary.
Front Panel
Peak Search (or Search), N dB Points