250 Chapter 5
Language Reference
INITiate Subsystem
Meas Control, Measure Cont Single
Take New Data Acquisitions
This command initiates a sweep if not in a measurement. If in a measurement, it
triggers the measurement. A “measurement” refers to any function under the
Remarks: See also the *TRG command
Use the :TRIGer[:SEQuence]:SOURce EXTernal
command to select the external trigger.
The instrument must be in the single measurement mode. If
:INITiate:CONTinuous is ON then the command is ignored.
Use :FETCh? to transfer a measurement result from memory to
the output buffer. Refer to individual commands in the
MEASure subsystem for more information.
Front Panel
Sweep, Sweep Cont Single
Meas Control, Measure Cont Single
Abort Measurement
This command applies to measurements found in the MEASURE menu. Use this
command to abort the current measurement.
Remarks: This command is equivalent of sending an :ABORt command
followed by an :INITiate[:IMMediate] command.
Front Panel
Meas Control, Abort
Pause the Measurement
This command applies to measurements found in the
MEASURE menu. Use this
command to pause the current measurement by changing the current measurement
state from the “wait for trigger” state to the “paused” state. If the measurement is
not in the “wait for trigger” state when the command is issued, the transition will
be made the next time that state is entered as part of the trigger cycle. When in the
pause state, the analyzer auto-align process stops. If the analyzer is paused for a
long period of time, measurement accuracy may degrade.
Remarks: Only applies to auto measure.