Chapter 5 327
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
Save User Preset
Saves the current instrument conditions as the user preset condition.
Front Panel
System, Power On/Preset, Save Type Preset
Speaker Control
:SYSTem:SPEaker[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turns the internal speaker on or off.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
Det/Demod, Demod, Speaker On Off
Set Time
:SYSTem:TIME <hour>,<minute>,<second>
Sets the time of the real-time clock of the instrument.
Hour must be an integer 0 to 23.
Minute must be an integer 0 to 59.
Second must be an integer 0 to 59.
Front Panel
System, Time/Date, Set Time
SCPI Version Query
Returns the SCPI version number with which the instrument complies.