Chapter 5 307
Language Reference
SOURce Subsystem
Front Panel
Source, Amptd Step Auto Man
Set the Source Sweep Power Range
:SOURce:POWer:SWEep <rel_ampl>
Specifies the range of power levels through which the source output will sweep.
Use :SOURce:POWer:STARt to set the power level at the start of the power
sweep. See also :SOURce:POWer:SPAN.
Factory Preset
and *RST: 0 dB
Range: 0 dB to 20 dB
Default Unit: dB
Front Panel
Source, Power Sweep On Off
Output Power Tracking
:SOURce:POWer:TRCKing <integer>
Adjusts the tracking of the source output with the spectrum analyzer sweep in the
present resolution bandwidth.
Factory Preset
and *RST: This command is persistent. The term persistent means that the
command retains the setting previously selected, even through a
power cycle.
Range: Integer, 0 to 4095
Remarks: This command is not needed with the 1.5 GHz tracking
Front Panel
Source, Man Track Adj
Output Power Tracking Peak
Automatically adjusts the tracking of the source output with the spectrum analyzer
sweep so that the power is maximized for the present resolution bandwidth.
Remarks:. This command is not applicable for the 1.5 GHz tracking
Front Panel
Source, Tracking Peak