324 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
License Key – Install Application/Option
:SYSTem:LKEY <“option”>, <“license key”>
:SYSTem:LKEY? <“option”>
This command enters the license key required for installing the specified new
application or option. The query returns a string that contains the license key for a
specified application or option that is already installed in the instrument. The
license key will also be returned if the application is not currently in memory, but
had been installed at some previous time.
Example: :SYST:LKEY “BAC”, “123A456B789C”
An option is a three character string that specifies the option or
application that is to be installed, as found in the Ordering Guide
(for example, BAH for GSM Measurement Personality). The
option name must be enclosed in quotes.
A license key is a 12-character hexadecimal string given with
the option. The license key is unique to a specific option
installed in the instrument with a specific host ID, as returned by
:SYST:HID?. The license key must be enclosed in quotes.
Front Panel
System, Licensing
Delete a License Key
:SYSTem:LKEY:DELete <“option”>
This command allows you to delete the license key from instrument memory for
the selected option.
NOTE In general, deleting the license key number is not recommended. If the license key
is deleted, you will be unable to reload or update the application in instrument
memory without re-entering the license key. The license key works with one
particular instrument host ID only.
Query Instrument Options
Returns a list of the options that are installed.
It is a comma separated list such as: “1DS,1D6,A4H,A4J,1DN”
Front Panel
System, Show System