320 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
(no *RST): The factory default is On. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Serial Port RTS Setup
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial[1]:CONTrol:RTS OFF|ON|IBFull
Sets the hardware pacing (hand-shaking) scheme. Many high speed asynchronous
modems use this line (paired with CTS) as receive/transmit pacing. Only one
Option 1AX can be installed in an instrument.
Off - indicates that the RTS line should always be asserted
On - indicates that the RTS line should always be unasserted
IBFull - selects the input buffer full mode for the RTS line. IBFull sets the RTS
line to indicate when the device is ready to receive. When the number of
received bytes in the input buffer of the device reaches the stop threshold, the
device will unassert the RTS line. When the number of bytes has been reduced
to the start threshold, the device will assert RTS indicating that it can receive
input again. RTS is sometimes called RFR (ready for receiving). The device
will also monitor the state of CTS and will stop transmission if that line
becomes unasserted.
Factory Preset
(no *RST): The factory default is IBFull. This parameter is persistent,
which means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Serial Port Baud Rate Setup
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial[1][:RECeive]:BAUD <baud_rate>
Only one Option 1AX can be installed in an instrument.
Factory Preset
(no *RST): The factory default is 9600. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Range: Supported baud rates are
Front Panel
System, Remote Port