Chapter 5 321
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
Serial Port Receive Pace Setup
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial[1][:RECeive]:PACE XON|NONE
Set the receive pace to on or none for an instrument, with the RS-232 interface
installed. Only one Option 1AX can be installed in an instrument. If no optional
serial port number is specified, port 1 is assumed.
Factory Preset
(no *RST): The factory default is none. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Serial Port Transmit Pace Setup
:SYSTem:COMMunicate:SERial[1]:TRANsmit:PACE XON|NONE
Set the transmit pace to on or none for an instrument, with the RS-232 interface
installed. Only one Option 1AX can be installed in an instrument. If no optional
serial port number is specified, port 1 is assumed.
Factory Preset
(no *RST): The factory default is none. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Hardware Configuration Query
Returns string of information about the current hardware in the instrument.
Front Panel
System, Show Hardware
Display the Hardware Configuration
:SYSTem:CONFigure:HARDware:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Shows the current hardware configuration of the instrument on the display.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
System, Show Hdwr