Chapter 5 235
Language Reference
DISPlay Subsystem
DISPlay Subsystem
The DISPlay subsystem controls the selection and presentation of textual,
graphical, and trace information. Within a display, information may be separated
into individual windows.
Display Viewing Angle
:DISPlay:ANGLe <integer>
Changes the viewing angle for better viewing in different environments.
Factory Preset
and *RST: The factory default is 4. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Range: Integer, 1 to 7
Front Panel
Viewing angle keys
Date and Time Display Format
Allows you to set the format for displaying the real-time clock. To set the date time
use: SYSTem:DATE <year>, <month>, <day>.
Factory Preset
and *RST: The factory default is MDY. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Front Panel
System, Time/Date, Date Format MDY DMY
Date and Time Display
:DISPlay:ANNotation:CLOCk[:STATe] OFF|ON|0|1
Turns on and off the display of the date and time on the spectrum analyzer screen.