232 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALibration Subsystem
Before executing this command, connect a cable between front panel connector
AMPTD REF OUT and the INPUT connector for all Agilent EMC analyzers except
Agilent model E7401A. If the cable is not connected, the alignment will fail.
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Align Now, RF
Select the Source State for Calibration
:CALibration:SOURce:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Controls the state of the 50 MHz alignment signal.
NOTE The alignment signal is internally switched to the INPUT for Agilent model
E7401A. For all other models, connect a cable between front panel connector
AMPTD REF OUT and the INPUT connector before performing a calibration.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
Access: For Agilent EMC model E7401A:
Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref (f=50 MHz) On Off
For all other Agilent EMC models:
Input/Output (or Input), Amptd Ref Out (f=50 MHz) On Off
Calibrate the Tracking Generator
Performs an alignment of the tracking generator assembly.
The query performs the alignment and returns a zero if the alignment is successful.
NOTE This command is applicable on all Agilent EMC models except E7401A with
Option 1DN installed. Before executing this command, connect a cable between
front panel connector RF OUT and the INPUT connector. The alignment will fail
using command CAL:TG if the cable is not connected.
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Align Now, TG