Chapter 5 263
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
Make a Directory
:MMEMory:MDIRectory <dir_path>
where “path” is “A:\” or “C:\”
Makes a directory or subdirectory in the specified path.
Example: Make a directory in C:\, which is in instrument memory:
:MMEMory:MDIRectory “C:\”
Front Panel
File, Create Dir
Store (Load/Save) a Signal List
:MMEMory:LOAD:SIGNallist <file_name>
:MMEMory:STORe:SIGNallist <file_name>
These commands are used to recall the signal list data from a disk or to save the
signal list data to a disk.
Example: :MMEM:LOAD:SIGN, ‘A:myfiles.lis‘
:MMEM:STOR:SIGN, ‘A:xfiles.lis‘
Remarks: Signal list files should be saved with a .lis extension since
this is the extension assumed by the file manager. You can save
signal list files under a different extension but you will not be
able to load these files via the front panel keys.
The load command for a signal list behaves differently than the
LOAD command for AMPCOR or limit lines. For most kinds of
instrument data the LOAD command performs a “destructive
read”; it replaces any existing data with the data from the disk.
The :MEM:LOAD:SIGN command does an “additive read”; it
merges the data loaded with any data currently in the signal list.
Signal list files are stored in ASCII text files with section
markers to delineate content. The data in a signal list is stored in
the [DATA] section of the file. The contents of this section are
described in the table below.
1 Row number (starts at 1)
2 Frequency (Hz)
3 Peak detector amplitude (dBmV)
4 Quasi-peak detector amplitude (dBmV)
5 Average detector amplitude (dBmV)
6 Total amplitude correction (dBm)