Chapter 5 193
Language Reference
IEEE Common Commands
IEEE Common Commands
These commands are specified in IEEE Standard 488.2-1992, IEEE Standard
Codes, Formats, Protocols and Common Commands for Use with ANSI/IEEE Std
488.1-1987. New York, NY, 1992.
Calibration Query
Performs a full alignment and returns a number indicating the success of the
alignment. A zero is returned if the alignment is successful. The SCPI equivalent
for this command is the same as :CALibrate[:ALL]?
NOTE Before executing this command, connect a cable between front panel connector
AMPTD REF OUT and the INPUT connector for all Agilent EMC analyzers
except Agilent model E7401A.
If the cable is not connected, CAL:ALL will perform a subset of the RF alignment
and a subsequent CAL:RF will be required for the analyzer to meet its specified
The query performs a full alignment and returns a number indicating the success of
the alignment. A zero is returned if the alignment is successful, even if only a
subset of the RF alignment is performed.
Front Panel
System, Alignments, Align All Now
Clear Status
Clears the status byte. It does this by emptying the error queue and clearing all bits
in all of the event registers. The status byte registers summarize the states of the
other registers. It is also responsible for generating service requests.
Remarks: See *STB?
Standard Event Status Enable
*ESE <number>
Sets the bits in the standard event status enable register. This register monitors I/O
errors and synchronization conditions such as operation complete, request control,
query error, device dependent error, execution error, command error and power on.
A summary bit is generated on execution of the command.