Chapter 5 245
Language Reference
HCOPy Subsystem
HCOPy Subsystem
The HCOPy subsystem controls the setup of plotting and printing to an external
Abort the Print
Aborts hard copy printout of results.
Front Panel
ESC (with print in progress)
Printer Type
Sets up the printer by selecting printer type.
AUTO - the instrument queries the printer to determine the printer type and
automatically sets itself for that printer
CUSTom - allows you to select a custom printer if your printer cannot be
NONE - tells the instrument that the hard copy output device is not a printer
Factory Preset
and *RST: The factory default is AUTO. This parameter is persistent,
which means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
Front Panel
Print Setup, Printer Type
Select Report Content
Selection of report content: screen dump, signal list, and instrument setups.
Print Report
Prints a report.