Chapter 5 195
Language Reference
IEEE Common Commands
The number 4 (P in the preceding query response format) means
there are 4 numbers that make up the size of the data that
follows. In this example, 2031 bytes will follow the number 4
2031 and 2016 (QQQ and MMM in the preceding query
response format) represent data size in bytes.
The state can be changed by sending this block of data to the instrument after
removing the size information:
Example: SYST:SET #NMMM<state_data>
Operation Complete
Sets bit 0 in the standard event status register to “1” when all pending operations
have finished.
The query stops any new commands from being processed until the current
processing is complete. Then it returns a “1”, and the program continues. This
query can be used to synchronize events of other instruments on the external bus.
*OPC and *OPC? are currently effective only when immediately preceded by either
the :INITiate:IMMediate or a :CALibration command.
Query Instrument Options
This function is provided in the analyzer SCPI language reference in the SYSTem
subsystem under :SYSTem:OPTions?.
*RCL <register>
This command recalls the instrument state from the specified instrument memory
Range: Registers are an integer, 0 to 127
Remarks: See also commands :MMEMory:LOAD:STATe and
If the state being loaded has a newer firmware revision than the
revision of the instrument, no state is recalled and an error is
If the state being loaded has an equal firmware revision than the
revision of the instrument, the state will be loaded.
If the state being loaded has an older firmware revision than the
revision of the instrument, the instrument will only load the
parts of the state that apply to the older revision.