204 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt Subsection
Uncertainty ADD – The uncertainty for a signal may be entered for a signal.
If not provided the default value for the instrument is applied to
the signal. The uncertainty may be entered in Hz or engineering
FETCH – The uncertainly is returned in Hz.
Total Correction ADD – The total correction factor may be entered in integer or
engineering format. The units are mdB.
FETCH – The total correction factor is returned in mdB.
Mark ADD – The signal may be marked during the ADD process by
setting this flag to 1 or On. It may also be explicitly turned Off
or 0.
FETCH – The signal mark is returned as a 1 (On) or 0 (Off).
Peak, Quasi-Peak, and Average Detector Amplitude Flags
ADD – The presence of an amplitude number in the add string
automatically turns on the amplitude flag for that detector. That
value may be overridden by explicitly setting the detector to 0 or
FETCH – The detector flag is returned as a 1 (On) or 0 (Off).
Comment ADD – The comment is a single line of text with a maximum
length of 31 characters. Characters in excess of 31 are truncated.
FETCH – The comment is returned in the 11th position and
delimited by commas.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Clear Marks
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:CLEar ALL|CURRent|<integer>
Clears marks on all, current, or specific signals
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: This command takes an <integer> value which corresponds to
the position of a signal in the signal list. Valid range is 1 to 2000.
Front Panel
MEASURE, More, Signal Marking, Clear