
204 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:EMI:SLISt Subsection
Uncertainty ADD The uncertainty for a signal may be entered for a signal.
If not provided the default value for the instrument is applied to
the signal. The uncertainty may be entered in Hz or engineering
FETCH The uncertainly is returned in Hz.
Total Correction ADD The total correction factor may be entered in integer or
engineering format. The units are mdB.
FETCH The total correction factor is returned in mdB.
Mark ADD The signal may be marked during the ADD process by
setting this flag to 1 or On. It may also be explicitly turned Off
or 0.
FETCH The signal mark is returned as a 1 (On) or 0 (Off).
Peak, Quasi-Peak, and Average Detector Amplitude Flags
ADD The presence of an amplitude number in the add string
automatically turns on the amplitude flag for that detector. That
value may be overridden by explicitly setting the detector to 0 or
FETCH The detector flag is returned as a 1 (On) or 0 (Off).
Comment ADD The comment is a single line of text with a maximum
length of 31 characters. Characters in excess of 31 are truncated.
FETCH The comment is returned in the 11th position and
delimited by commas.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Clear Marks
:CALCulate:EMI:SLISt:CLEar ALL|CURRent|<integer>
Clears marks on all, current, or specific signals
Factory Preset
and *RST: Not affected by preset
Remarks: This command takes an <integer> value which corresponds to
the position of a signal in the signal list. Valid range is 1 to 2000.
Front Panel
MEASURE, More, Signal Marking, Clear