Chapter 5 265
Language Reference
MMEMory Subsystem
Store a Limit Line in a File
:MMEMory:STORe:LIMit LLINE1|LLINE2,<file_name>
Stores the specified limit line to the specified file in memory.
Example: :MMEM:STOR:LIM LLINE2,“C:mylimit.lim”
Remarks: This command will fail if the <file_name> already exists.
There is no SCPI short form for parameters LLINE1|LLINE2.
Front Panel
File, Save, Type, Limits
Store Measurement Results in a File
:MMEMory:STORe:RESults <file_name>
Saves the results of the current measurement into a comma-separated file. Only
works when a measurement has been chosen from the
MEASURE menu. The
filename extension is .CSV. This command will fail if the file <file_name>
already exists.
Front Panel
File, Save, Type, Measurement Results
Store a Screen Image in a Graphic File
:MMEMory:STORe:SCReen <file_name>
Saves the current instrument screen image, as a graphic file, to the specified file in
memory. The file must have a :gif or :wmf file extension. The specified file
extension determines which file format the instrument will use to save the image.
Example: :MMEM:STOR:SCR “C:myscreen.gif”
Remarks: This command will fail if the <file_name> already exists.
Front Panel
File, Save, Type, Screen
Store an Instrument State in a File
:MMEMory:STORe:STATe 1,<file_name>
Saves the instrument state to the file in memory.
Example: :MMEM:STOR:STAT 1,“C:mystate.sta”
Remarks: This command will fail if the <file_name> already exists.