284 Chapter 5
Language Reference
[:SENSe]:DETector Subsection
Factory Preset
and *RST: On
History: Added with firmware revision A.08.00.
Front Panel
Det/Demod, Detector
Type of Detection
Specifies the detection mode.
For each trace interval (bucket), average detection displays the average of all the
samples within the interval. The averaging can be done using two methods:
the power method (RMS)
the video method (Y Axis Units)
The method is controlled by the BW/Avg, Avg Type key.
NOTE The combination of the average detector and the power average type is equivalent
to what is sometimes referred to as “RMS detection.”
Negative peak detection displays the lowest sample taken during the interval
being displayed.
Positive peak detection displays the highest sample taken during the interval
being displayed.
Sample detection displays the sample taken during the interval being displayed,
and is used primarily to display noise or noise-like signals. In sample mode, the
instantaneous signal value at the present display point is placed into memory.
This detection should not be used to make the most accurate amplitude
measurement of non noise-like signals.
Average detection is used when measuring the average value of the amplitude
across each trace interval (bucket). The averaging method used by the average
detector is set to either video or power as appropriate when the average type is
auto coupled.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Positive
History: Added Average and RMS elements to the command with
firmware revision A.08.00.
Front Panel
Det/Demod, Detector
, Detector, Peak
, Detector, Sample