
Chapter 3 181
Programming Examples
Making Faster Measurements (multiple measurements)
viPrintf(viESA,":DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV -25 DBM\n");
viPrintf(viESA,"CAL:SOUR:STAT ON \n");
/* For the analyzers having frequency limits >= 3GHz, prompt the user*/
/* to connect the amplitude reference output to the input*/
printf ("Connect AMPTD REF OUT to the INPUT \n");
printf ("......Press Return to continue \n");
scanf( "%c",&cEnter);
/*Externally route the 50MHz Signal*/
viPrintf(viESA, ":DISP:WIND:TRAC:Y:RLEV -20 DBM\n");
viPrintf(viESA,"CAL:SOUR:STAT ON \n");
/* Single sweep mode */
viPrintf(viESA, ":INIT:CONT OFF\n");
/* Turn off the local display to maximize measurement rate */
if(!DISPLAY) {
viPrintf(viESA, ":DISP:ENAB OFF\n");
/* transfer data in definite length,32 bit integer blocks. Select */
/* machine units (milli-dBm) to maximize measurement rate */
viPrintf(viESA, ":FORM:DATA INT,32\n" );
/* select the byte order; low-byte first for Intel platforms */
/* To further increase measurement rate,:FORM:BORD NORM could */
/* be used instead. The byte ordering would then need to be */
/* done within this program. */
viPrintf(viESA, ":FORM:BORD SWAP\n");
/* pre-calculate amount of data to be transferred per measurement */
iTermLength = 1;
iArrayLength = iNumPoints * DATA_LENGTH;
iHeaderLength = HeaderLength(iArrayLength);
iBlockSize = iHeaderLength + iArrayLength + iTermLength;
/**************** Write binary trace data to ESA *******************/
void write_binary_trace(char *cScpiCommand, int *ipTraceData) {