
Chapter 5 211
Language Reference
CALCulate:LLINe Subsection
Remarks: For TIME, the limit line segments are placed on the spectrum
analyzer display with respect to the sweep time setting of the
analyzer, with 0 at the left edge of the display.
For FREQuency, segments are placed according to the
frequency that is specified for each segment.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, X Axis Units Freq Time
Control Limit Line Frequency Interpolation
Selects the type of interpolation done for the frequency values of the designated
limit line when comparing to measured data. This only applies in the frequency
domain. This function does not work in zero span (when the analyzer is in the time
Remarks: Once this function is defined, the selected type is persistent.
Persistent means that it retains the setting previously selected,
even through a power cycle.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limit 1|2, Freq Interp Log Lin
Define Limit Line Values
Defines limit line values, and destroys all existing data. Up to 200 points may be
defined for each limit. No units are allowed.
<x-axis> can be frequency or time values as specified by
:CALCulate:LLINe:CONTrol:DOMain. Frequencies are always in Hz.
Time is always in seconds. No unit is allowed in this parameter.
<ampl> amplitude values are in the current Y-axis units. Up to two amplitude
values can be provided for each x-axis value, by repeating <x-axis> in the data
list. No unit is allowed in this parameter.
<connected> connected values are either 0 or 1. A 1 means this point should
be connected to the previously defined point to define the limit line. A 0 means
that it is a point of discontinuity and is not connected to the preceding point.
The connected value is ignored for the first point.
Range: <x-axis> 30 Gs to +30 Gs for time limits