328 Chapter 5
Language Reference
TRACe Subsystem
TRACe Subsystem
The TRACe subsystem controls access to the internal trace memory of the
NOTE Refer also to :CALCulate and :MMEMory subsystems for more trace and limit
line commands.
Copy Trace
:TRACe:COPY <source_trace>,<dest_trace>
Transfers the source trace to the destination trace and leaves the destination trace
in VIEW mode.
Source traces are: TRACE1|2|3
Destination traces are: TRACE1|2|3
Front Panel
View/Trace, Operations, 1 –> 3
View/Trace, Operations, 2 –> 3
Transfer Trace Data
:TRACe[:DATA] <trace_name>|RAWTRACE,<definite_length_
This command transfers trace data from the controller to the instrument. The data
format is set by the command :FORMat [:TRACe][:DATA]. The data is
comma-separated ASCII values in ASCII formatting, and a definite length block in
REAL, INTeger, and UINTeger formatting.
The query returns the current values of the designated trace. The data is terminated
with <NL><END> (for GPIB that is newline, or linefeed, followed by EOI set
true; for RS-232 this is newline only.)
LLINE1 and LLINE2 can only be queried; they cannot be set.
<trace_name> is TRACE1|2|3