326 Chapter 5
Language Reference
SYSTem Subsystem
History: Added with firmware revision A.04.00.
Remarks: Disable the output ports for faster measurement times.
Returns the instrument to a set of defined conditions. The particular set is selected
by :SYSTem:PRESet:TYPE. This command does not change any persistent
parameters. The term persistent means that the command retains the setting
previously selected, even through a power cycle.
Front Panel
Persistent State Reset
Sets the persistent state values to their factory defaults. The term persistent means
that the command retains the setting previously selected, even through a power
cycle. Examples of persistent functions are: GPIB address, power-on type, and
preset type.
Front Panel
System, Restore Sys Defaults
Preset Type
Selects the preset state to be either factory-defined or user-defined preset
Factory Preset
and *RST: The factory default is MODE. This parameter is persistent, which
means that it retains the setting previously selected, even
through a power cycle.
History: Changed with firmware revision A.08.00. Previous firmware
revisions had default type FACTory.
Remarks: :SYSTem:PRESet:USER:SAVE defines the user preset.
Front Panel
System, Power On/Preset, Preset Type