
214 Chapter 5
Language Reference
CALCulate:LLINe Subsection
Test the Data Against the Limit Line
Queries the status of the limit line testing. Returns a 0 if the data passes, and
returns a 1 if there is a failure. This query value is valid only if margin or limit test
is On. Use the command :CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:STATe OFF|ON|0|1 to
activate limit line testing.
Set the Margin Size
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:MARGin <rel_ampl>
Allows you to define the amount of measurement margin that is added to the
designated limit line.
Factory Preset
and *RST: not affected
Default Units: dB
Remarks: The margin must be negative for upper limit lines, and positive
for lower limits.
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limit 1|2, Margin On Off
Display the Limit Margin
:CALCulate:LLINe[1]|2:MARGin:STATe OFF|ON|0|1
Allows you to display a measurement margin that is added to the designated limit
line to do secondary testing of the data.
Factory Preset
and *RST: Off
Front Panel
Display, Limits, Limit 1|2, Margin On Off