Eyeglasses with multirange lenses (bifocal and
progressive) must be removed for microscopy.
● Focus the specimen through the eyepieces.
Only when one eyepiece is without an
adjustable eyelens:
● Exactly focus the specimen through this eye-
piece first (close your other eye).
● Then focus the image by adjusting the eye-
lens of the second eyepiece.
Fig. 57␣ ␣ HCI B22 binocular tube, 45° viewing angle, field of
view no. up to 22, eyepiece diameter 30 mm for HC PLAN 10x/20
or 22 eyepieces, interpupillary distance setting: 55␣ –␣ 75 mm
1 Eyepiece tube, 2 Eyepiece, 3 Anti-glare protection
Binocular tube HCI B22 or HCI BV22
For eyepieces with inserted graticule only*:
● Greatly defocus the specimen or remove
from the light path.
● Exactly focus the graticule by adjusting the
eyelens with a relaxed eye (the eye relaxes
best if you look out the window at a distant
object for a moment).
● Focus the specimen, only adjusting the
eyepiece with graticule.
● Then close this eye and focus the specimen
by adjusting the second eyepiece only.
Only if neither eyepiece has a graticule inserted:
● Greatly defocus the specimen or remove it
from the light path.
● Adjust the eyelens until the edge of the field
of view appears sharp. When you adjust the
eyelens a white line becomes visible round
the basic part of the eyepiece. This indicates
the correct position of the eyelens for
viewers with normal or corrected eyesight.