Filter performance data
Filter Use
Grey/neutral density filter N Grey (neutral density) filters are used for light
attenuation without influencing the colour
temperature. The engraved value, e. g. N16,
indicates the attenuation value. So N16 means a
reduction to 1/16 = 100/16 = 6.25 % transmission.
Green filter, GR, panchromatic For general contrast enhancement and black-
and-white photography.
DLF Conversion filter (Daylight filter, blue, similar to
CB12), for colour photography with daylight film,
integrated in filter magazine.
BG38 (blue filter) Suppresses red for fluorescence (integrated in
fluorescence illuminator).
ALF Artificial light filter for enhancement of colour
contrast in colour photography with artificial
light films.
BG20 For highlighting red in Polaroid colour photo-
VG9 (green filter) Enhances contrast in chromosome photography.
CB1.5, CB3 Conversion filter, blue: raises colour tempera-
ture with special lamps.
Conversion filter, red: lowers colour tempera-
ture, e. g. from 6000 K (colour temperature of an
Xe lamp) to 5500 K (colour temperature of
daylight film).
BG23 Enhances contrast of the complementary col-
ours blue and red for black-and-white film.